Monday, June 23, 2008


A bachelor’s degree in engineering is required for almost all entry-level engineering jobs.

Most engineering degrees are granted in Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, civil engineering.

Most Institutes offer 4-year degree programs in engineering technology. These programs, which usually include various hands-on laboratory classes that prepare students for practical design and production work, rather than for jobs that require more theoretical and scientific knowledge.

Many engineers obtain post graduate degrees in engineering to learn new technology and broaden their education. Many high-level executives in government and industry began their careers as engineers.

About 1200 colleges and Deemed Universities in India offer bachelor’s degree programs in engineering that are recognized by AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education).

Admissions requirements for undergraduate engineering schools include a solid background in Mathematics (algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus) and science (Chemistry and Physics).

Bachelor’s degree programs in engineering typically are designed to last 4 years. In a typical 4-year college curriculum, the first year is spent studying mathematics, basic sciences, introductory engineering.

In the rest 3 years, most courses are in Engineering, usually with a concentration in one branch. For example, an aerospace program might include courses in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, applied aerodynamics, analytical mechanics, flight vehicle design, trajectory dynamics, and aerospace propulsion systems.

Engg. Courses
-Computer Science
-Electrical & Electronics
-Electronics & Communications

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